A Job Interview
A woman goes to an interview for a managing position in an advertising agency.
Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Susan.
Hello Susan, please take a seat.
Would you like some water before we begin the interview?
Yes, please that would be great.
Alrighty, here you go.
Let's get down to business. I want you to talk to me about your current job. What are your responsabilities and how can your expierences be helpful to us here in BlueFocus.
Okay, well first of all, I am currently the head of the marketing department, we currently have 20 people in the marketing department and we work in teams of 5.
All the teams report directly to me and I oversee everything that is done and I am also in charge of acquiring new clients. For instance, I was responsable for bringing in Reebook and Converse as clients for our marketing agency.
I believe that I can put all of what I've learned here to good use in BlueFocus. I can help guide teams that are struggling, I can share what I've learned with my various clients over the years and bring a new perspective to BlueFocus.
Impressive, you have quite the résumé. Tell me, why do want to quit your job and come work for us.
I'm looking for a new challenge, I want to work with even bigger clients and keep advancing as a professional.
And where do you see yourself in 5 years.
My goal is ultimately to become the head of the marketing department for Omnicom Group.
I see, am I to understand then, that this is just a stepping stone for you in your professional career?
No sir, not at all. I take my work very seriously and I intend to bring my all to BlueFocus and if the opportunity ever arises to work in Omnicom I will be sure to train a replacement for myself.
I appreciate your honesty and I think that you could provide us with great insight. However, I will have to discuss this with our other partners before I make my decision.
Yes sir, I understand. Is that all?
One last question. What do you think is your greatest weakness?
Well, sometimes I can take my work too seriously and become anxious when things don't go the way I want them to.
Very well, thank you for coming. As soon as I have an answer I will let you know.
Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to working with you.
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